Tearing up imagining this world. If only the city would actually get behind this happening https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2020/12/17/nyregion/nyc-open-streets.html?login=smartlock&auth=login-smartlock
I've been volunteering for my local open street since it started this summer, and here's what happened. In the summer it was great. Kids were out of school, it was warm and light out, lots of people were using it--
But from day one, cars were pissed off. We assured them it had been approved by the DOT but almost every day we had an incident of a car moving a barricade, not putting it back, and zooming down the street in a dangerous way--
Sometimes they rammed into barricades and they broke. We asked the NYPD (who is responsible for providing us with barricades) for replacements, and they never came. Still we tried, even when someone called the cops on a group of us doing yoga in the street--
Then, kids returned to school. Days got shorter and colder. And we are down to a handful of usable barricades that don't look very official or functional. Fewer people are out, and those who are don't feel safe or protected on the street--
We ask the DOT for more supplies, more support, better messaging. But they set us up to fail. Their idea is that if people aren't using it, it should go back to the cars. NOBODY would say if only 3 cars go down a street a day it should go back to being a pedestrian plaza--
The city could put their back into this program. Drivers could learn 31st Ave in Astoria is for pedestrians and take another route. Instead, they give us broken barricades and tell us it's our fault when kids don't feel safe playing in a road where cars are driving full speed--
We are planning on fundraising for our own barricades now, and are fighting for our open space any way we can. But we shouldn't have to. It could be different.
Also if you live in Astoria and want to get involved with the 31st Ave open street, check us out and follow us on Instagram https://www.31staveopenstreet.org/ 
You can follow @jayasax.
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