heard a #tory apologist on @theJeremyVine earlier on excusing the inexcusable - multimillionaire Mogg who actively uses #TaxAvoidance angry at the publicity about #poverty in UK after the tories had successfully swatted away #UN @PhilipGAlston report - one of the richest
countries in the world should not have record #homelessness & #foodbanks instead of @Conservatives being ashamed that @UNICEF_uk (thank you) are helping out, the tories use the argument 'if you want to see real poverty, look at Africa' - in other words, they don't give a toss
that kids in one of the richest countries are going hungry while their parents are in rent/fuel poverty - all the while the rich continue to get richer instead of paying more tax the tories enable #TaxAvoidance - the really shocking thing is that the argument is that the money
given should have been given to, amoungst others, #Yemen so while the #greed tories continue to benefit financially from arms sales to Saudi Arabia for use in Yemen (was it these arms sales that Truss admitted were illegal or was it another country's suffering?) they expect
@UNICEF to pick up the pieces - one of the areas helped by @UNICEF_uk is Devon, where a wealthy hunt group (people who can afford to keep horses, people who torture & kill animals for fun) with £40K in the bank was given £10K to 'help' them through #coronavirus - what a sick
place the UK has become after 10 years of #greed #ToryCronyism #ToryCorruption govt
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