Yesterday, my pediatric office was cold-called by a doctor who was offering a "$69 COVID testing special" that we could refer to our patients.

This is problematic on a few levels.
As a medical home, I have access to testing for my patients. It's silly to assume otherwise. More concerning, other physicians do not solicit to other physicians. That's weird.

So, I did a little digging.
Turns out, the doctor is a DENTIST who offers cash-pay rapid testing as well as "allergy testing" to determine if a person's symptoms are "COVID-related."

Really? This isn't a thing.
The point of this brief story is that even in the darkest depths of an international economic, health, and social crisis; there are still opportunistic asshats who will happily take your cash and tell you what you want to hear.

Please, if you have concerns about your family's health, don't be fooled by unqualified individuals offering cheap or quick solutions.

Lean into your personal physicians and local health experts for the best care as we all try to get through this together. Be well.

You can follow @DoctorNatasha.
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