This might offend some but I want to do an f you thread of some companies, etc. that pissed me off this year. Venting seems to help me so here goes...
F you 2020
F you California
F you United Airlines
F you California taxes
F you wildfires and smoke
F you politicians
F you war mongers
F you Saks 5th Avenue
F you United Healthcare
F you hypocrites
F you State Farm
F you Ritz Carlton HMB
F you social media
F you weather channel
F you msm
F you covid, flu, cold viruses
F you lying phoney attention seeking tryhard bully
F you violent criminals
F you mean people
F you incompetent ungrateful brats
F lots of things. I am tired and let some stuff out but feeling better. Thank you to my wonderful followers for your patience🙏♥️
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