The reason why you won’t find an appropriate politician to represent a radical praxis is because being a politician overall relies on respectability politics. And respectability politics seeks to erase and undermine the majority of vulnerable groups.
RP seeks to oppress and dispossess everyone who does not fit the master class status - as cishet white men were the ones who created respectability politics and their women worked to endorse it.
AOC and Bernie are the closest you’ll get to what we need but even they are either pro Zionist, anti sex work etc - depending on whose political praxis you’re examining.

They toe the line but to get to where they are they’ve had to adhere to some form of RP. That’s politics.
This is why I keep saying that the system itself needs to be abolished bc the only players you’ll get are those who will throw one group under the bus for another.

And to me that’s unacceptable at this point.

We deserve more than the bare minimum.
This country promotes acceptance of all walks of life but it’s a boldface lie when legislation is written and endorsed to systematically oppress unless you have the social or financial status to supersede it.
We as a collective have the power to demand an overhaul of govt and our representatives.

Well intentioned or not, our current reps will make endorsements that harm one or more groups over another bc the system does not allow for collective accommodation. Period.
You will continually get someone who is anti Black, anti Ntv, anti Sex work, pro carceral pro imperialist, ableist etc etc etc

Until the system is changed as such to allow for variability and not rely on subjugation of others to function.
And the only way you’ll get that change is by demanding it ans halting production until your demand is met.

Not by incrementalism.
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