A personal view: As a starting point it would obviously be great if no public sector organisation failed and needed to be put into ‘special measures’, but maybe that is unrealistic - businesses can and do fail
With that out the way, the controversial bit
Going into ‘special measures’ = more support (and access to funding for recovery?) that is a positive
Often the rush is to buddy the organisation with another organisation that is ‘excellent’ that, on the surface, is fine and can be helpful but ...
If the buddy organisation has always been ‘excellent’ or ‘good’ they might understand how to maintain ‘excellence’ but often they don’t have the understanding of how to move from failing to good/excellent because they have never done it
So buddying with an organisation that has ‘recovered’ makes more sense
The real skills are actually driving improvement of services and supporting staff to improve practice - too often this is a process based on passing tests and not actual improvement of services
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