Over 1,123,000 people have cast a vote in the Senate runoff elections in Georgia. Over 30,000 of them did not vote in the general election in November.

#gapol #gapolitics

Let's start with some demographic breakdowns. The electorate so far is much more racially diverse than we'd expect at this point, but closer to our expectations from an age perspective.

As mentioned previously, young voters tend to vote later: https://georgiavotes.substack.com/p/1026-who-votes-when
The current electorate is just under 55% white. If we include everyone with an approved, outstanding mail ballot that number drops below 54%.

Just as a comparison, the early voting electorate in the general was 56.6% white.
Now let's look geographically. North GA is looking like a problem for the Republicans.

GA-09 and GA-14 were both very active early vote centers in the general as they had the 4th and 5th best showing of any congressional district vs their 2016 vote totals.
Now, both of those regions are middle of the pack or worse at the 6th and 10th best turnout against 2020 early vote totals.
Republicans can take some solace that GA-06 and GA-07 are doing even worse right now from a votes perspective but both of those districts have 70,000+ outstanding mail ballots that will quickly move them up the charts.
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