nothing says "this crisis is not living up to my PR needs" like starting to cook the books and falsify data.

watch as caifornia moves to overstate ICU utilization by calling each point of ICU utilization over 30% for covid 1.5 points.

has dominion gone into hospital monitoring?
this whole trend is made all the more pernicious by the strong nosocomial aspects of covid. it spreads aggressively in hospitals and among those who are sick or have weakened immune systems.

you might not be PCR + when you hit ICU, but you can become so quickly.
this also dovetails into the "asymptomatic PCR+" issue where over sensitive testing is finding trace or long recovered virus or viral fragments.

how many "in ICU with covid" are actually from covid and how many lack any clinical signs whatsoever?
this data was already near gibberish, and now it appears deliberately adulterated as well.

the extent to which this one pathology is measured, counted, and tracked in ways no other is "death with vs from" massive asymptomatic testing, pcr+ as "proof" etc has been bizarre.
but now it appears that not even that is sufficient and even more ways must be found to make hospital data look worrying.

it's striking how all these choices and policies are one sides and always over and never under-state covid.

it's too consistent to be an accident.
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