Nothing that’s happening now surprises me. I realized what was happening in 2016 with a shock. Glenn Greenwald. Julian Assange. Edward Snowden. I worked closely enough to or with them to realize in horror they are working far more closely with our enemy. To destroy America.
I tried to tell the people at the nonprofit that connected me with these men. I realized the entire group was in on it. And then I tried to tell you. And some of you listened. But my voice isn’t that loud. Now I hope you understand what I was trying to tell you all along.
Some of the people you think are your allies fucked you over, and the country with it
They tried to tell me I was crazy and gaslight me into thinking the cancer meds messed with my mind and I was imagining it all. Fuck you I didn’t imagine shit and I knew it then and I know it now. Treasonous greedy amoral bitches. I pray that one day you eat off of a metal tray.
I’ll never forget Jake Appelbaum salivating at the idea of destroying Hillary Clinton with those cable leaks. I didn’t know what he was referring to, I would months later. They had a hard-on for destroying America. And a weird soft spot for Putin. Now I know. I was so blind then.
Noted serial rapist Jake Applebaum. Hey Jake if you’re reading this, fuck you
That time Julian Assange called me worse than a Jew.
“She’s worse than a Jew.”

That other time he threatened me when I noted on Twitter in 2016 how weird it was Trump was singing his praises, in the same breath as teasing WikiLeaks and Putin and some kind of surprise.
He was pissed off because I wouldn’t publish some dirt he wanted to publish on Adrian Lamo, tangled up with the Chelsea Manning stuff. I was such an idiot back then, but I knew not to publish someone else’s deza. Worse than a Jew I became.
I will live out my days proud to be that woman that Julian Assange called “worse than a Jew”

Happy Hanukkah motherfucker

Taste the justice
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