1 It was a decade ago this week that the Arab Spring began. I and others believe one key catalyst was surging food prices due to the Fed's end 2010-11 QE2.

It has gone largely unremarked that food prices are rising sharply once again. The FAO report prices at a 6 year high... https://twitter.com/heisenbergrpt/status/1339661953048977409
3...this self-serving, dissembling crap from central bankers as they screw things up time after time.

So while attention is focused on the markets that benefit from QE and the cyclical recovery (equities, value stocks, precious and industrial metals), keep a very close...
4.... eye on whether food prices take off like they did in 2010/11. Central bankers cannot control which bubbles inflate due to their money printing. The money sloshes into whichever momentum trade the market choses. And with the World Bank noting that the pandemic has pushed...
5...150m people into abject poverty, there is an awful lot of angry people out there. A surge in food prices at this time could easily spark very much more unrest world-wide than it did a decade ago...even in rich countries like the US which have a surge in food poverty...
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