Meanwhile, here's the socialist Left attacking the mainstream Democrats who support Israel @DemMaj4Israel. It's interesting to watch, and it exposes the false themes and anti-fact methods of the Israel haters. 1/
Notice how they cannot argue with DMFI's facts. As always, the facts don't favor the Israel haters, so instead they say that DMFI used information from @RegavimIsrael which they tar as "far right" and "anti-Palestinian" as if their facts therefore don't matter. 2/
I have spoken to Regavim and they do care about the Palestinians and Arab residents of Israel. But they also care about Jewish and Israeli rights. They properly try to balance both sets of rights within the framework of the law. That is not extremist. That is noble. 3/
Which brings up Beinart's tweet. He doesn't want to frame the conflict accurately as competing rights. He wants to frame it as only Palestinians having rights, and Israel having none. Which means that Israel asserting its own legal rights is framed as denial of Pal rights. 4/
This is not simplistic. It is knowingly false. Beinart and the anti-Israel Left's entire purpose is not to promote Palestinian rights BUT TO DENY THAT JEWS AND ISRAEL HAVE ANY RIGHTS.

The conflict is not black and white, Those who paint it that way are the gaslighters. /end
I will be expanding on this thread, and examining Beinart's tweet, in my next post. That tweet is a master class in anti-Israel propaganda techniques.
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