This is absolutely insane - I would expect some leadership at CD Project to leave within a few months

As someone who worked on Battlefront II, I feel a lot for the devs and this reminds me a lot of bad memories - thread 👇
When BF2 was released, it was one of the worst moment of my career: you wake up and the news is at every f-corner - you go your favorite websites and it’s there, you open YouTube and it’s there, you open BBC and it’s there... you feel tracked and attacked all the time
At the time, I was producer on the Last Jedi DLC, it was already hard due to tight deadlines and at the back of a production, but it was so hard to be motivated, add on top as a producer you need to motivate and lead your team, which made the all thing super hard
I can say this openly now - at the time, I though I would ship the dlc and stop my career there, as I felt I let down so many players and it was just too hard ; teammates, friends and family helped me to go through it, but without them I’ll be doing something else than games
During BF2 DLC, productivity in the team went down as it was hard to focus, most of my time were dedicated to 1 -1 conversations or trying to support the team the best way I can, either for people in need or for myself; it felt like everyone was on depression...
I would say that our EA and Criterion leads were super helpful, offering support and open for discussions

the thing is that you feel you are the problem and the solution, and that is the trap because the right thing to do is to recharge and stop working
So yeah I feel a lot for the devs and I’m angry to the poor cd project management - those leads own those people a lot of their time and energy; the sad thing is that nice emails or bonuses won’t do it - it will take several months (yep months) from them to recover from this...
To the @CDPROJEKTRED devs - you need to take care of yourself and recharge:
- disconnect from any social media and general internet
- stop working and take time off NOW
- play your favorite games, the ones that inspired you to make games
- share how you feel to your close ones
Don’t bother social medias - even for unrelated tweets, some players will attack you at every opportunity (a tweet is basically saying that you are online) - you need to disconnect and recharge; then you will go back to work and improve the game, proving those fuckers wrong 😃
I’ll always admire what the @EA_DICE team did with BFII, as at launch, I though you could never recover from this but they fucking did!

so yeah #cyberpunk devs, take care of yourself, recharge and then you will be able to fix this and move forward, becoming better on the way...
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