(1/5) People usually underestimate social applications and their growth potential like Tiktok, Snapchat, Twitter etc. until they see how powerful their network effect can be.

Let's break down why this is also happening for Zeeves 🤖

Thread below 👇
(2/5) Zeeves is currently the most advanced crypto app built on @telegram & 14 partners have joined to try out our first (non pilot) loyalty programme.

Why Telegram? Because almost all crypto users have Telegram and the user growth is projected to be approx. 1 billion by 2022.
(3/5) Telegram has ± 500 million users right now. Zeeves obtaining just 0.5% of this market means interacting with 2.5 million users!

Why build a new app when you can onboard millions of people directly through Telegram, which is already skewed towards $crypto users, right?
(3/5) What's even more interesting is that Zeeves is becoming like a Swiss Knife app. Meaning that more & more features will be integrated to provide as much value to users as possible. Also, more & more partners are becoming interested (both inside & outside crypto) in joining📈
(4/5) The more features there are, the more value it provides to users for them to come back. The more users there are the more partners will be joining and benefitting when they interact with Zeeves users. Also, the more partners there are the more rewards there are for users 🔄
(5/5) This creates a win-win for everyone involved and we can all benefit together!

There's a lot more to Zeeves but lets leave that for another thread.. :)

If you know any projects that like to join the Zeeves ecosystem then just DM me! 📩
You can follow @ProofofMilan.
Tip: mention @twtextapp on a Twitter thread with the keyword “unroll” to get a link to it.

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