Even if you aren’t a religious Hindu, it’s still your responsibility to protect and defend those who are traditional/religious. Attacking the people and institutions at the core of Hinduism is how they wish to destroy our culture and religion and destabilise Hindu society, and,
conveniently, those that aren’t very religious are the ones most willing to join the abrahamic/communist forces in questioning, dismantling and devaluing Hinduism in the name of “rationalism” or modernisation or other ideas that have no business being applied to religion.
At the core of Hinduism are its gurus, vedic scholars, temples, mathas, traditions, festivals, big and small. These must be guarded aggressively, unabashedly & militantly if those on the fringes and the core alike wish to continue to call themselves Hindu for generations to come.
Those that don’t wish to call themselves hindu (there are so many, that fancy themselves “global citizens” or just don’t care about religion one way or another): dont realise it now but guarding Hinduism, that their ancestors valued so highly, is strategic self-preservation.
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