i'm gonna rant for a sec but um yeah i just think it's really weird how yt ppl get so upset when we do anything that doesn't include them like any sort of thing that uplifts and makes poc feel included just really upsets them for some reason and i find it to be very weird (1/?)
like this world was made for y'all to succeed and to feel included and appreciated and praised why do you get so offended when we do shit to show our ppl love? why do you wanna be apart of our shit so bad? can we just like have one thing to ourselves (2/?)
without y'all tryna intervene and takeover ?? like shit we finally get something good and here y'all come ready to force yourselves into the equation and/or ruin shit for us like if i see something praising poc there's always that one white person in the comments that's (3/?)
like "well why aren't WE included?? what about us??" mf y'all get praised everyday by EVERYONE not everything is about y'all you are not the center of attention and you aren't as special as you think you are (4/?)
and then suddenly when you try to explain to them why they aren't or shouldn't be apart of and included in certain shit they wanna throw the racist card around and swear that we hate them like we don't hate y'all you just wanna take over everything poc do and whitewash it
i just wish they would stop raining on our parades all the time or trying to find ways to tear us down and when you call them out on it they get so angry at you like ?? you're being fucking annoying ofc we finna say sum tf?
it's ALWAYS the performative bitches too they pit blm in their bio and all of a sudden think they don't have to do anything else
they sit behind a screen all day and tear down minorities but will be the same folks "advocating" for equal rights it makes no sense to me i just wish they knew how to close they fuckin mouths
they swear we're sensitive or make everything about race but it's literally them AND WHY DO THEY WANNA BE OPPRESSED SO BAD??
they should be lucky that they have the privilege to walk around everyday feeling safe and not wondering if they'll end up hatecrimed for their skin colour or having to worry about their rights being taken away like why do they want what we have?
idk i'm just tired of seeing all these weirdos on social media throw tantrums bc they aren't included in certain things within out community it's like literally so weird find a fucking hobby, britthany
mfs just suck the fun out of anything and take everything away from us it makes me as well as others feel excluded in our own space
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