Wow, Nomiki Konst REALLY hates Jimmy Dore. She goes FULL BAPPIN and accuses jimmy of TAKING ASSAD MONEY.

Most of her criticism is, like, really elitist. She seems to think that he's somehow 'sucking away' people who should be being lead by people with "backgrounds" (i.e her?)
I looked it up and apparently there is a bellingcat report about some charity that gives out media awards which, and gave one to Jimmy Dore worth $2500, doesn't exactly seem like a huge scandal.
Here's some bits that I didn't have room for in the first 2 minute clip, lol. She was also complaining about all the people who were jumping on the Jimmy Dore bandwagon
It's really wild, like there is definitely a lot of jealousy here. I guess they want some kind of controlled rollout, some kind of strategy. Like AOC actually talked about how "seemingly" viral moments are actually "planned," take preparation, etc.
it's just like, these people weren't READY for something to pop off. They didn't have a Liz Warren style PLAN.

But these people have absolutely sucked at activism for decades. None of milquetoast shit they've been doing has worked.
And anyway, none of these corny ass, big money funded "activist groups" would go after a friendly politician the way Dore has gone after AOC. They'd get an email asking them not to push too hard right now and they'd shut it down.
It's like I think they're just big mad about Jimmy edging in on their turf and upsetting the careful plans for non-threatening "activism" involving marches and bullshit politicians would totally all ignore anyway.
More from the thing. What's hilarious is they CLEARLY only watched the 4 minute clip and not the whole thing, because they're WILDLY off in their description of what Stoller had to say,

Then just describe him as basically "not a Jimmy-Dore style dumbass"
Because what's hilarious is that Stoller was incredibly INCREDIBLY black pilled on the dems, both establishment and left/progressive. Saying they didn't know how to wield power and there was basically no hope.

What he actually said was they needed to "learn business"
Which I suppose he meant they needed to learn how business worked so they could regulate it properly, (and intervene in the economy through technocratic regulatory tweaks, I suppose.)

Anyway, this is a setup to say that this was apparently Dore Being super rude...
But if you watch the video, Matt is clearly laughing when Jimmy is insulting him, which Jimmy would be able to see, which is why he kept doing it. And of course he specifically pointed out he was just messing around in the actual clip -
Also, the other thing is Sam Seder talks about how, he didn't really mean demand a vote on M4A but instead ask for things like "committee chairs" so they can "build their power" but that's like the dumbest shit ever.
People have been getting into office, trying to "build their power" decade after decade and all that happens is that they end up getting co-opted by the establishment. But Sam Sedder is fine with that because it just means he gets to be friends with more and more powerful people
But that model doesn't actually *accomplish* anything.

It's wild how this Dore thing is really just revealing how many of these supposed "lefties" are really just the next generation of idealistic future incrementalists waiting to be subsumed by the system.
And now people like Vaush and these guys are working overtime to fill another generations brain with the same mind poison that says you can't actually try anything,you have to go slow and steady,only focus on symbolic protest bullshit (the thing Stoller was actually whining abt)
What successes, from any time in, say, the past 31 years (AOC's lifetime!) could you possibly point too from these supposed "professional movement builder" types?

This "leverage small wins into bigger wins" b.s?
All that ends up happening is that they get taken over by party careerist hacks, who hollow them out and turn them into just an email list and brand name for fundraising and getting a few volunteers for the establishment dems.
LMFAO Sam Seder is CONSTANTLY going on and on about Jimmy Dore, has for years. And Dore's always just ignored him completely

Now in one of the most idiotic invocations of Identity politics I've EVER seen, Seder accuses Dore of SEXISM for IGNORING HIM.
Like, Sam is CONSTANTLY talking about Jimmy Dore. Does he even get how pathetic and cringe this is?

Like bro, you can't shut up about him and he doesn't even acknowledge your existence, and you're obviously mad about it.

What a fucking weirdo.
"Next up what my reactionary, dum dum left pathologically silly ex-girlfriend cindy's been up to on facebook this week extremely dumb stuff as usual with her silly hat and walking around in a bikini despite gaining, like, 9 pounds since we dated and she wont reply to my commen…"
Also Jimmy rails about Bernie all the time. Which I don't like! But I'm not going to "cancel" someone just because they don't like a politician that I do like. It's so weird.
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