THREAD: A Tale of Two Twitter Likes, ~~compare & contrast the fallout~~

Didn't think I had more to say about this situation (& didn't have much to begin with, not a big tweeter), but a clear example of #jwitter's disingenuous & racist double standards fell into my lap. 1/
Don't want to drag this out further, but hoping this might serve as a case study for future reference.

Chevre, feel free to save this for the uninitiated next time the obfuscation & deliberate obtuseness resurfaces, as it will. 2/
(Though will delete this or lock account if requested by those involved, I realize it's been a rough couple of days.) 3/
Two different accounts [follower counts in brackets] each like a single tweet. Compare the reactions. 4/
ACCOUNT 1: @temasmith [11.4K followers], one of the most visible Black Jews on Twitter who is also a well-respected Jewish professional. 5/
Tema likes a tweet in a thread by @russelneiss [7.1K], software engineer at popular text study site Sefaria and general Jewish tech aficionado. 6/
Russel explains why he revealed the name of the person behind a pseudonymous account (@/Claire_Voltaire) that he says shared false info about him. 7/
While I'm unfamiliar with the alleged false info shared about Russel, @/Claire_Voltaire [13.4K] is otherwise widely known for stoking harassment & dogpiling from her followers against anyone on #jwitter who is too left on Israel or Zionism. 8/
Black Jews especially seem to get a disproportionate share of the abuse from this crowd.
As one might imagine, revealing the name of someone who used a cloak of anonymity to escape accountability was seen as a good thing.
(Side note: "name" is explicitly considered by Twitter *not* to be private information that is covered by their "private information policy." In other words, Twitter does not support a fundamental "right" to tweet under a pseudonym. 10/
Back to Tema -- Initial response includes Jewish identity policing frequently happens to Jews on Twitter who are open about less "conventional" Jewish backgrounds/identities, but is particularly salient for race/Jews of Color. 12/
Tema highlights examples of trolls: one calls her "a trash can of a person," another accuses her of being neither Black nor Jewish (thread) 13/
It escalated further, with these people on Twitter basically trying to get Tema fired and accusing her of putting Jews in danger.
(another thread) 14/
To recap: Tema likes a tweet in Russel's widely circulated thread that *plenty* of others liked too. But racist trolls fixated on Tema & tried to threaten her livelihood. 15/
ACCOUNT 2: Aforementioned @/Claire_Voltaire -- who has about the same/slightly more followers than Tema in the low five figure range -- screenshots and shares my [487 followers] tweet saying that I donated to Sefaria in honor of Russel...
after some right-wing Zionists got upset that their beloved source sheet creator was supporting ~evil~ by continuing to employ their lead engineer. 17/
My tweet also expressed solidarity with everyone who's been harassed by Claire+her followers, since I've seen it happen routinely and once got a very minor taste myself, some time ago.
Offered to make small charitable donation in honor of anyone who'd been harassed.
Lots of unhinged replies to Claire's screenshot of my tweet, but let's just pick one, which Claire liked:

"These people are pathetic and I hope you [Claire] have a gun. If not, get one now."

COMPARE & CONTRAST: Accounts with similar follower counts should probably get about the same level of scrutiny, right??? 🙃

- one of many people who likes a tweet in a thread from a Jewish professional colleague (also a relatively popular account himself), explaining why he revealed the name of a serial harasser who *also* shared false info about him.

- Tema was otherwise uninvolved in this ~whole situation.~
- Consequences: the standard racist/antisemitic identity policing PLUS a ton of awful & life-disrupting bs with trolls contacting her employer and saying she wants Jews dead
- screenshots a pretty bland and definitely not-violent tweet from my comparatively small account (esp since a significant portion of my following isn't even part of #jwitter), claiming that I'm "insane" for donating on behalf of a "doxxer"...
(Again, Twitter considers names to be public information. Not doxxing.)

- Claire likes a direct reply saying that she [Claire] **should get a gun** because of "these [pathetic] people" (presumably Russel and me? Lol.)

- Consequences: nothing

To be clear-- I do NOT think there's a clear obligation to moderate one's Twitter replies and call out/hide the awful ones. Too time-consuming & there will always be trolls. (though if it's excessive, then yeah probably one should do something)

But ignoring trolls is different from ~actively encouraging,~ which Claire does through engagement with her followers' inflammatory statements.

While I don't think liking always implies endorsement, that calculus changes when the content is incendiary. 27/
Claire liking a reply that suggests that my tweet, or Russel's tweet revealing Claire's name, warrants *getting a gun* is ludicrous, given the absence of any demonstrated credible threat. And an indication of bad faith.

It seems like it's largely one side that's escalating things here. I WONDER WHO? Really hard to tell.
Anyway, *plenty* of other examples demonstrating the complete detachment from reality, just in those same replies to Claire's screenshots of my tweet. But I found this one particularly illuminating.
And don't @ me with "revealing a ✨unique name✨ is the same as doxxing" or that people are endangering her life to neo-Nazis by revealing her name. Been there, done that. Most everyone here has encountered Twitter Nazis, under our real names. 31/
"Some Nazis harassed me" is not the same as a credible threat. Meanwhile don't use anonymity as a shield for harassing people who do use their real names
Anyway, wanted to tweet this now since I knew I wouldn't be able to tomorrow w/ early shabbos. And I kinda hope fewer will see it this late. But it will be here whenever this issue inevitably resurfaces. That is, if people find it a helpful example.
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