1/6 I have had ME/CFS for almost 15 years. I have been badly ill with it, very prone to all sorts of infection which I have difficulty fighting off, so much so that I had sepsis twice last year.
2/6 I am usually scared of catching infections because I know how hard these hit me and how long it takes me to recover. I get very worried if someone sneezes near me. So, bearing that in mind I have found my own response to Covid-19 contradicts everything I usually feel illness.
3/6 I know Covid is dangerous to those vulnerable to it, including me. But I far more fear the punitive and insane measures, like lockdowns, taken to 'fight the virus' than I fear cathing it. My response has taken me by surprise given how vulnerable I am.
4/6 Every part of my being rails against the demented global Covid Cult which has taken over our society. This speaks volumes to me. I always listen to my intuitive voice. I have explained in my writings exactly how destructive the Covid Cult is.
5/6 Any reasonable person should fear the Covid Cult, and their destruction of our economy and society, far more than Covid itself. Our political class is doing China's dirty work for them too.
6/6 Without a healthy economy there is no health. We are headed down a dark path. If this lockdown madness doesn't end soon Covid-19 will be the least of our worries.
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