1️⃣ Facts thread on #ReopenMN:

The list of businesses published by #ReopenMN is an HTML page of a Google Sheet that is updated every 5 min. They publish it here:

I copied their data exactly into another spreadsheet and made some pivot tables ➡️
2️⃣ The original sheet has a total of 151 rows right now (12/17 11:30p CT) of which 58 of them only have a county name listed, i.e. the “Business Name(s)” field is blank. So that’s more than 1/3 of the businesses chose not to provide their names, they’re anonymous.
3️⃣ When you count businesses by industry, 60% of the 151 listed (90 in total) are Restaurant/Bars while 17% are Gym/Fitness Centers. 7% of the “100s” of businesses reported by media are “Supporters of the Cause”, so not real businesses.
4️⃣ Masks have been proven to reduce the spread of the virus (see & https://mediahub.ku.edu/media/Masks/1_49bb9aid) so this might be a good list of places to avoid if you’re using science and facts to guide you
5️⃣ In Hennepin county, the biggest county by population in MN, there were 14 blank entries for restaurants, i.e. “anonymous” businesses and only one restaurant that listed a name
6️⃣ According to @WeRRestaurants there were 10,681 eating and drinking place locations in MN in 2018. 90 restaurants on this list is barely 1% of all restaurants in the state. That doesn’t seem like a “movement”.
7️⃣ In conclusion, please look at the numbers and real data. The #ReopenMN coalition has had a great deal of local and national press, but their own numbers just don’t support the idea that it’s a “movement”. Thank you reading.
8️⃣ Follow up from last night: there’s another spreadsheet that #ReopenMN published, this one with no restaurant names (why?) so it’s totally anonymous:


I made one more pivot table ➡️
9️⃣ Counting their second list gives you 226 anonymous businesses in MN, with 123 of them of type “Restaurant/Bar” — 54% of the total.

Thing is, that’s now STILL around 1% of total restaurants. Still not a movement.
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