We got Sessions and Nunes to recuse, Flynn fired, Special Counsel appointed, resulting in an enormous investigation and indictments, all while Republicans were in control of the House, Senate and White House. So, yes, I’m certain we will plow through January 6th. Without a doubt.
If Republicans want to put their entire party on the spot to make a worthless vote that literally will do nothing but stall the inevitable, go ahead. They’d then be on record—again—trying to throw out millions of votes, based on a hoax they know is completely false. Go for it.
Seriously. Go ahead GOP and go on record with no evidence saying a certain state’s ballots should be thrown out. Especially if it’s not your own. Then we can vote on it, where Democrats would win every time. I’ll thank you, because I’ll use it in campaign ads against you forever.
I’m not even gonna call them f*ckers. That’s super polite. These are traitors in the GOP Senate and House. Accomplices to every crime Trump’s committed. We will never forget how they stood by him. Think about the Trump crimes we don’t know about yet. They’re sure to be awful.
So to all of the reasonable and sane Republicans, we look forward to uniting to crush the Trump Virus. And to you few Trumpers in Congress who are trying to overthrow our democracy, stop it. It’s over. You lost. The Trump show is canceled. He was legitimately fired. 306. Period.
Actually—one more thing. Everyone in The Resistance is an American patriot. I’m so proud to have worked with you all over the last 5 years. You inspire me daily and everything you do is making a huge difference. Thank you for all you’ve done for our country. Onward and upward. 🇺🇸
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