Slowly but surely, accounts with a lot of followers are starting to notice $CORE. Starting with generic FUD, they are bringing it up out of nowhere. This is often a bullish sign. This is a bull market. Why do I hold $CORE? Why am I farming $CORE LP's? Is it the high APY's?
Not alone, no. It's the sustainability of high APY, the quality of the token generated, the excellence, speed, skill, and expansion of the developer team, their transparency, ability to avoid obstacles, pursuance of both 3rd party audits AND providing code for community audits.
It's the structure of the $CORE ecosystem, starting by using smart contract token deployment that locks LP deposits to permanently back $CORE with paired tokens, which now include $ETH, $BTC, and $DAI. $45M is locked, with $26M permanently locked.
What is permanently locked? With only 10K $CORE (100 or so burnt for $FANNY promotion) forever, and >4K $CORE locked in LPs, selling all remaining $CORE would not reduce LP paired asset to 0, meaning that there is a necessary price floor for the $CORE token. What does this mean?
It means that no matter what you can always count on being able to exchange your $CORE token that is recycled by farming platform yield on LP tokens, for $BTC, $ETH, or $DAI as you prefer. Based on current market prices for said volatile assets, that price right now is > $1,200.
That's the FLOOR. It goes up as $BTC or $ETH pump (or $DAI pumps of PEG lmao) -- is that likely? It also increases whenever the total value permanently locked in the LPs go up, which occurs any time trading occurs across said pools, as the 0.3% Uniswap trading fee is added to LP.
$CORE devs have deployed an arbitrage strategy platform within  that can be used by anyone willing to pay the gas to use arbitrage trading strategies to equalize $CORE value across these various pools, yielding volume, Uniswap fees which increase TVPL.
$CORE yield comes from the 1% fee on transfer (temporarily increased during LGE3 to prevent front-running of LP contributions by absorbed shitforks, returning to 1% soon) that is taken from transfer or sale of $CORE (not purchase).
Yield also comes from all other strategies and advantages of the $CORE ecosystem, including arbitrage strategies executed in the dApp (210 at the moment), and going from Phase 0 (what I have so far described) to Phase 1 will bring many more ways of bringing yield to LP holders.
Imagine being able to offer collateralized loans without IL risk due to a large cache of proprietary permanently locked collateral? Would that be bullish in DeFi?
Imagine a $CORE dev team that invented a new ERC-95 standard which transmits on-chain price and volume data across all on-chain transactions with a 20-block TWAP regardless of exchange (not from a single exchange!). Would this be bullish?
Imagine a token with a price floor >$1K and growing forever, composed of just shitcoins like $BTC $ETH and $DAI, meaning that, with permanent arbitrage being necessarily true given relative valuation volatility among those three assets, literally the floor price risese forever.
You see? I'm not even getting into options marketplace, LP swaps on , futures contracts for LPs, proprietary AMM platform, locking all LPs on-chain associated with $CORE, blacklisting CEX addresses to maintain on-chain activity with FoT intact, or $FANNY.
Another option to learn about $CORE is to connect to , go to Start -> WinAmp and start listening.

Education is great.

The more you know 🌈 👍
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