Today I stood in the parking lot of my new health center - one that was 5 years in the planning, fundraising and construction but I have never seen completed and furnished because of the pandemic. I had to stay home beginning March 11 and we moved and opened on April 1 ...1/4
....Today I saw - in person, masked and 10 feet away - a management team I have only talked to or seen in a Zoom conference in 9 months.

It was bittersweet. I miss my team terribly. They are simply the best people I have ever had the privilege of working with. ....2/4
...I discussed Covid vaccine protocol with our CMO and when it may be available to our team.

I learned my Executive Assistant, who I just met in person, got engaged last weekend.

I saw one of my doctors who will be a parent the second time in late March.

...As I wished them a happy holiday, I missed the hugs we used to share.

I miss the ugly holiday sweaters.

I miss the obscure & profane caroling performed annually.

I miss the sense of family - for better or worse - it is what we have become. I miss it. 4/4

And I’m angry:

🔥that millions of doses of a vaccine are sitting in Pfizer warehouses while thousands of people die daily.

🔥that the corrupt Trump administration decided herd immunity - in other words, the pre-meditatedmurder of hundreds of thousands was the answer.

I’m angry:

🔥that thousands of healthcare workers are dying because this administration was too incompetent and friggin’ corrupt to demand masks, social distancing & stay at home orders.

🔥that only the elite get a treatment that saves only the elite. Neither Trump, Christie..
....Giuliani, Carson nor any of the corrupt cronies was more worthy of the monoclonal antibody treatment than a HCW who put their lives on the line day in and day out while the buffoons went around with no masks, no distancing and disparaging all efforts of the medical community.
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