The biggest productivity tool for me at a previous job was having infinite bash history enabled, use CLI for a lot of things (curl especially), and searching previous commands with ctrl-R or Oh-My-Zsh.
To expand on Oh-My-Zsh: the default behavior it comes with is that if you type anything, then press up, it will search your history to find commands that start with what you've typed. So "curl " -> press up = easy way to scroll through previous curl invocations.
I also just learned that some things truncate the default bash history file no matter what, so also:

export HISTFILE=~/.bash_eternal_history
I also recommend setting bash to only record unique commands in history:

export HISTCONTROL=erasedups

Normally it will store things like "cd .." multiple times.
Finally, a really useful command is "history" which will dump out your entire history. Extremely useful with grep, e.g.: "history | grep curl"
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