The Communist Party of China has been covertly sending arms to extremist Antifa militants in the United States in preparation for the civil war which is expected to take place after Joe Biden declares himself President for Life and institutes a Marxist dictatorship.
Unfortunately I cannot provide evidence for this shocking revelation as doing so would compromise my sources and methods, but trust me it's definitely true and must be acted upon immediately. I recommend President Trump declare martial law without a moment's hesitation.
How does this make you feel? Was your first impulse to begin scanning for evidence of the incendiary claim I made in my opening paragraph?
If you're a more regular reader, it would have also been reasonable for you to guess that I was doing a bit. But imagine if I wasn't? Imagine if I really was claiming that the Chinese government is arming Antifa ninja warriors to kill patriotic Americans in the coming Biden Wars.
Now imagine further that this is something I've made false claims about many times in the past. If every few years I make a new claim about some naughty government arming Antifa super soldiers in a great communist uprising, which turns out later to have been bogus.
Well you'd dismiss me as a crackpot, wouldn't you?

And yet if I were an employee of a US government agency making unproven incendiary claims about a government that isn't aligned with the US, the entire political/media class would be parroting what I said as gospel truth.
They would repeat it as fact even though US government agencies have an extensive and well-documented history of lying about such things.
Today we're all expected to be freaking out about Russia again because Russia hacked the US again right before a new president took office again, so now it's very important that we support new cold war escalations from both the outgoing president and the incoming president again.
The @nytimes has a viral op-ed titled "I Was the Homeland Security Adviser to Trump. We’re Being Hacked." The author Thomas P Bossert warns that "the networks of the federal government and much of corporate America are compromised by a foreign nation".
Bossert warns ominously that "the networks of the federal government and much of corporate America are compromised by a foreign nation" perpetrated by "the Russian intelligence agency known as the S.V.R., whose tradecraft is among the most advanced in the world."
The magnitude of the alleged hack is so great that Bossert says Trump must "severely punish the Russians" for perpetrating it, and cooperate with the incoming Biden team in helping to ensure that that punishment continues seamlessly between administrations.
The problem is that, as usual, we've been given exactly zero evidence for any of this.
Yet the mass media are flagrantly asserting as objective, verified fact that Russia is behind this far-reaching intrusion into US government networks, citing only anonymous sources if they cite anything at all.
And of course where the media class goes, so too does the barely-separate political class.
Check out this @arstechnica writer's response to @ggreenwald tweeting "But has there been any evidence publicly presented, let alone dispositive proof, that Russia is responsible for this hack?"
"Of course they can't show us the evidence!" proponents of establishment Russia hysteria always say. "They'd compromise their sources and methods if they did!"
Secret, invisible evidence is not evidence. If the public cannot see the evidence behind the claims being made by the powerful, then those claims are unproven.
Isn't it interesting how all the Pearl Harbors and 9/11s of our day are completely invisible to the public?
We can't see cyber-intrusions for ourselves like we could see fallen buildings and smoking naval bases; they're hidden from our view. Not only are they hidden from our view, the evidence that they happened is kept secret from us as well. And the MSM just treat this as normal.
Sure it's possible that Russia hacked the US. It's possible that the US government has been in contact with extraterrestrials, too. It's possible that the Chinese government is covertly arming Antifa samurai in preparation for a civil war.
These people have not earned our trust, they have earned our pointed and aggressive skepticism. We must act accordingly.
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