This is incredible. Book about cancel culture cancelled. Writer accused of making “indefensible” comments about Islam. In this case, alluding to the very young age of one of his wives. (thread).
1. In this case, the cancelled author was mistaken, it wasn’t Muhammad’s *first* wife who was a child when he raped her, it was one of his many others. (And yes, it was rape, because adults don’t “have sex” with 9 year olds, they rape them).
2. To be fair, I don’t believe there is much evidence to indicate that Muhammad *preferred* child brides to adult ones. But…it doesn’t matter, does it? What matters is that a child was raped by a man, a man we are not allowed to criticize, lest it results in “hurt feelings”.
3. But Islam cannot exempt itself from discussion, even the painful, humiliating kind. The Prophet is *the* central character in a faith that affects us all. Believers cannot simultaneously claim he is moral perfection and then expect us not to hold him to basic moral standards.
4 “But context! Back then, it was common!"
Context is complex and not irrelevant. Maybe it absolves him as a historical figure. But he is not just a historical figure, is he? Muhammad MUST be held to a far higher standard, precisely because of his position in the eyes of Muslims.
5. In addition, treating Muslims differently than one would treat others is wrong for many reasons, of which one is that it prevents Muslim integration/acceptance into society. If one must engage Muslims differently, then one will conceive of Muslims as fundamentally different.
6. Lastly, it is truly shameful that the publisher caved to the demands of an internet mob. Very likely, however, the author will get published and this scandal will have helped her sales. As it should. I’ll be purchasing it when it becomes available. Fin
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