Rant: The flesh within me wants to go all Jeff Durbin and let fly with a few choice words but you'll get the sanctified version. But it is stuff like this that makes my blood boil. (Hoping I can keep this sanctified)
This is what CRT is doing to the church. Let's take Isaiah Jeong's tweet first. Straight away there is logical problem since in referencing Matthew 7 here he is putting CRT in the category of being wrong/sinful and then uses CRT to accuse "many" American Christians.
I don't think we should use something that is sinful to analyse sin in others. This then leads to a second problem that Matthew 7 would have Isaiah deal with his own issues first. But those aside we have many American christians being accused of harboring the sin of slavery ...
and colonialism when none of them were involved in that at all. (There's no clear definition of Christian Nationalism so I'll ignore that part). Furthermore, these sins are declared to be planks (ie. a big issue) even though they were not involved? What!?
Now Timothy Cho chimes in with his Pharisees example. But it's not the same. The Pharisees who were obsessed with cleanliness were the same Pharisees who were unclean on the inside. Jesus didn't call them out for having ancestors who worshipped Baal.
Now, someone might say that didn't Jesus accuse the Pharisees of sons of those who murdered the prophets? Yes he did BECAUSE THEY WERE PLANNING TO MURDER HIM! (spoiler: they did) They were partaking in exactly the same sin. Are many American Christians partaking in slavery? No!
God forgive me of the sins I commit (and they are many) but do not heap on anyone, let alone a brother or sister in Christ sins that they have not committed.
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