I don't know if anyone has done this already but here goes.

THREAD: Setsuna's "association" with Swallows

In the ending theme of the series, Setsuna's background clearly shows us Swallows as a theme, and of course her own attack is associated with the bird also.
But what does a swallow symbolise?
1)The basic message is:
Fertility, the rays of sunshine, protection especially around the home, a conflict which is soon to be resolved, a peaceful and happy lifestyle, prosperity, luck, connection, peace and love.
2) The history of the swallow symbolism:
During the earlier eras swallows were associated to certain gods and the souls of those who have died. The mothers of the deceased revered these birds as they believed that they are the ones who carry the souls of their dead children.
3)The swallow is sent to explore the world that was above the sky: This indicates that you need to leave your past behind.

4)Swallow as an animal totem: Indicates that you need to release yourself from all the past worries and pain that you have suffered.
5)Ancient beliefs state that the swallow bird itself is connected to healing and symbolizes hope and prosperity.

6)The swallow can also imply that if you are undertaking a difficult patch in life whereby you are unsure of the way to turn - the swallow will always have the answer
7)Swallow appears as a spirit guide when:
a. You need to be vocal about your feelings especially love.
b. You should analyze things that we did to our loved ones.
c. When losing your faithfulness.
d. We need to accept change.
e. Enriching the love and relationship.
8)Call on Swallow as a spirit guide when:
a. You need to express your feelings toward the one you love.
b. Examine what we did to our partners and have more time for them.
c. Restoring the love.
d. Undergoing transformation.
e. Developing love and trust.

End of Thread!
A very interesting match they have done here. The Swallow's symbolism matches perfectly Setsuna's struggles and indicates a peaceful, happy ending at the end of her road. 😊💛

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