Quick advice to athletes & parents, coming from a person (me) that has went through the whole recruiting process in Texas.

Utah is a diff ball game when it comes to recruiting. Utah is typically closed on Sunday’s, so worst case scenario, Utah athletes are behind 52 days.
Then you have to account for the snow days per year, at least 2 months total. Another 60
days. So, really, places like Cali, Fla, TX have 100+ days to work than Utah athletes.

I’ve also noticed a lot of families (not all) in Utah have the means to pay for college walk-ons.
My pops had NO money & specifically told me if I didn’t get offers, I would be stuck In Euless, TX working for American Arlines with my cousins. I made my mind up in 8th grade that I will earn multiple offer, and ended up receiving my first offer in 9th grade from #BYU .
My coach would drive 45minutes to Euless at 5:30am & then 50minutes back to campus to make morning lift, EVERYDAY! ( @CoachFarhat) .Then school, FB practice, track work, speed & strength, finish with WR work. Barely hung out. I DIDNT CARE!
My social life sucked, my friends thought I was a freak/flake, but I didn’t care..lol I knew what the end goal was, and if it meant sacrificing a social life, so be it.
With that being said, athletes with dreams of going to the next level, honestly ask yourself, “am I doing enough?” “Do I really, really want it so bad I’m willing drop unproductive activities to work on my craft”
If you have to really sit & ponder about it then it’s a no.

A lot of people want the shiny lights, and everything that comes with being a college athlete, but not too many are ready to put the tedious, stressful, work in. Your competition isn’t only in Utah, it’s worldwide!
You can follow @RossApo1_MILEWR.
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