I’m struggling with the way the media is portraying the SolarWinds revelation. Using the term “cyber attack” inflames the issue. It was espionage. They got into software that allowed them broad access. They chose targets from that access. They took advantage of some.
From what I can tell, they were selective and focused on priorities. BTW, we have similar foreign intelligence priorities. Just read the ODNI national intelligence strategy. https://www.dni.gov/files/ODNI/documents/National_Intelligence_Strategy_2019.pdf
What I hope we get out of this is a recognition that espionage exists. Don’t call it something that it isn’t. It isn’t an attack. It could have been worse. Access is bad enough. We need to focus on fixing the problems that exist.
We need to focus on being prepared. We must improve our government’s ability to identify, protect, detect, respond, and recover.
This hack proved that we must do better with public-private cybersecurity efforts. We are absolutely in this together.
The next administration must repair the neglected gov cybersecurity efforts and focus them as a team to defeat the many enemies that wish to do our great country harm.
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