Since none of you fomented a revolution, especially folks in @DemSocialists, your opinion matters less.

In the grand scheme of things, it is probably not that big of a deal, except as an instructive example. I will explain why @jimmy_dore is actually right.
Our Problem: Many of the working class believe that the only way they can realistically interact with power is through the electoral system. On top of that, they are under the illusion that the Democratic party is a worker's party.
So, if you subscribed to dialectic materialism, what is the task (Yes, we need a worker's party... Join any, make your own.. I am part of @YCLUSA_NY) ?

Lenin (who did a revolution) says:
If our analysis has come to the conclusion that working within the system, there is no way to effectuate the egalitarian world that we envision, then the task of the conscious socialist must be to *reveal the truth* to the proletariat.
If @AOC is a conscious socialist, she would want to reveal the truth about the futility of working within the current system.

Otherwise, she would be adding to the confusion and misdirecting energy aiding and abetting the Democratic party from keeping Americans fooled.
In the historical context, the Tsar made a fake duma that he could dissolve. The Bolsheviks were like "yeah.. no tsar.. that's stupid" but some of the opportunists like Plekhanov were advancing a "triangulated goal" of a responsible Tsar (yes it's stupid).
Lenin explains why he thinks misleading the public into thinking you can have a legitimate Duma with the Tsar present is a bad idea.

So, here is Plekhanov's argument for a mealy-mouthed measure and advancing the absurd idea of having a "free duma" with a Tsar!
Lenin says that even if it were possible to get a responsible "Duma" with a responsible "Tsar" it's absurd
Lenin on half-assed measures.
Shooting at daddy is a petty, but funny and superfluous dunk on Plekhanov. So, even though it may confuse you, I'm adding it in.
This part is absolutely true! If there was any risk of a "responsible ministry" happening.. liberals would withdraw it from consideration of the Duma

And... then.. we need to use our propaganda measures to add clarity to the American people about why government is a farce!
Remember, before the AOC's we had the Bernstein's, Martov's, Kautsky's and Plekhanov. Nothing new.

So, don't yell at Jimmy for trying to get an elected official to use her power.

Yell at @aoc for not using her power to expose the farce of the American government.
In the end, Lenin's slogan was "all power to the soviets (IE no Tsar) and a constitutional convention".

Check out @MoveToAmend for the later.
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