My landlord just offered to lower our rent $500 (!!!!!!) to try to get us to stay in our 3bed apartment. The landlords are, uh, freaking out
Also, if anyone's writing a trend piece on this, realtors I've spoken to say big apts (3-4beds) are impossible to rent out right now, but everyone's trying to get 1 beds. Lots of breakups! (Roommates & romantic)
FWIW, while I really loved my apartment and my management company was decent, all things considered, the super did once let slip that they charged us more to make up for the one apartment in the building they didn't illegally destabilize, so ¯\\_(ツ)_/¯
Also, for those asking: this is in Crown Heights, we were already planning to leave and made other arrangements. The rent reduction only came because we definitively told them we were moving out.
Uh yeah so if anyone wants a reduced-rate 3bed in CH, hit me up
Guys just fyi it is NOT $500 a month, it's REDUCED $500 a month, now merely too expensive down from WAY too expensive
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