If you didn't see my tweets from last night, I've been behind the scenes connecting ppl who need help this xmas with ppl who want to help!

This will be a thread of ppl in need and below I will give instructions on how this will work.

I've gotten an overwhelming response from people who want to help. So many beautiful souls ❤

Also many who are in need.

I will be attaching a screenshot of each person's story and needs.

I ask anybody who wants to help to comment here and ANYBODY who needs help to DM me.
Each person will stay private unless they say otherwise. I will be using a number system so I can keep track of who has been helped.

Please let God guide you to whichever story resonates with your soul. This way, everyone should get equal help 🙏

I will keep updating the list.
@CoralineElise is an amazing human being who was kind enough to offer splitting this work with me.

Please feel free to send her DMs as well if you need help 💚 my inbox is going crazy 🤣

However I will be spending all of my free time on this, so I can get to as many as I can.
Just to recap...

If you're looking to help, please comment here first and then I will connect you with someone.

If you're in need of help, PLEASE DM ME.

I am not here to judge anybody.

We all need help right now.

God bless you all 🙏

Time to share some stories!
Anon #1

Wonderful lady who I connected with someone that bought her groceries. She sent me a video of how grateful she was for just a small amount of groceries from a stranger. She deserves so much more 🙏
Anon #2

Struggling and looking to do something special for her family during a difficult time ❤
Anon #3

Amanda posted publicly, so I'm just reposting for her.

Specific needs are listed for anybody that can help 🙏 a
Anon #4

Wonderful grandma just trying to help her grandbabies.

Specific needs listed 🙏
Anon #5

Single mom of three boys. Things are very tight and she's looking for any help she can get ❤
Anon #6

Struggling vet trying to do what they can for the kids 🙏
Anon #7

Humble anon who asked what they could do for others, while not having much themselves ❤

They deserve that trampoline!
Anon #8

Was very weary of asking for help.

Wonderful human being 🙏

Looking for any help they can get as they were hit with Covid recently.
Anon #9

Trying to find help for a vet.
Anon #10

Self explanatory.

Please help, she certainly needs it 🙏
Anon #11

Behind and trying to catch up at the same time as Christmas shopping 🙏
Anon #12

Its been a hard year for us all.

Shes behind on bills and anything helps ❤
Anon #14

Even willing to trade...but I dont think that's neccessary. Looking for just one gift per teenager!
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