Folks should be honest & say they’re ok giving billions of tax $ away to the already-wealthy while leaving working class families to starve & lose their homes, b/c the lives of the wealthy matter while the lives of the poor don’t. But don’t lie & say it makes economic sense.
How did giving millions to Joel Olsteen help the economy? It didn’t. The economy is about to crash, b/c instead of doing what we all know needs to be done, the wealthy & their paid politicians made another run on our tax $ while tossing the taxpayer crumbs
And it’s not that people in power are unaware that we’re heading off an economic cliff going into 2021, it’s that they don’t care. They don’t care b/c they’ll have vaccine access, housing & all the $ they need. And they’ll use police & teargas to keep a handle on the rest.
People work hard, barely earning enough to get by. The government takes from those earnings & gives it to the wealthy. Then when those people can’t make rent, the government uses that same tax $ they took & sends the police to remove people from their homes.
Folk like Osteen got $millions they don’t need while avg family now owes thousands in back rent & *maybe* might get $600. That is nothing but a violent, greedy money grab by the rich & powerful. They’ve turned a pandemic into another profit making scheme while millions go hungry.
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