RIP Jeremy Bulloch. A genuinely kind man. I was blessed to be able to be around a lot of the Star Wars actors during my brief time on the convention circuit, and he was always the most patient and kind. The wildest example I can give is from SDCC, ages ago: (THREAD)
At one point early in my VFX career, I had chanced upon meeting the team who had worked on what will probably go down as the most viral fan film ever, TROOPS. Kevin Rubio had moved on, but the rest of the team was working on a sequel.
I should say, sequels, plural. The VFX was mind blowing for the time, especially for a project being worked on independently. They had industry knowledge and experience, but few of the resources. Still, it was wild. I ended up coming on to try and help out with VFX.
I worked on it in the side for a few weeks, maybe a couple months- this was around 15 years ago, my memory was hazy- and I started to learn about their plans for even more films in the series. One of them they had in mind to get Jeremy Bulloch to narrate.
To me, this didn’t make sense? Jeremy is beloved in SW circles but there’s a very good chance you have never heard his voice. Jeremy, like David Prowse as Vader, had someone else providing his character’s dialogue. But they were insistent. They wanted him.
And because I’d worked a couple autograph booths where he was in the chair and had shared a few friendly convos, I said that dangerous phrase— “oh, I know Jeremy!”

Half a dozen heads turn in unison and look at me. I have brought this on myself.
I, of course, had *zero* ability to get a hold of him. However, San Diego Comic-Con was around the corner, and I knew he'd be there signing autographs. So, we hatched a plan.
I would go on day one of SDCC and find his booth, pray to god he remembered me, pitch the project, and then coordinate with the team to find whatever free time he had to record dialogue before he left town. (Oh, and do it FOR FREE, because fanfilm)
So I get onto the floor, find his booth, get in a line of about 3 people, and he's there with his wife next to him, just grinning while talking to the fan he's shaking hands with.

And then he glances over and sees me, and I have the biggest relief as he says "HEY!" with a smile.
Of course, Jeremy's a professional, so he goes back to giving his full attention to the fan who has paid $20 for a moment of his time -- but soon, I'm next and I get to give him $20 of my own as I faux-gush over how much I love his work.
I explain what's up. There's this fanfilm-- I immediately say fanfilm, I don't want there to be any false pretenses - and they want him to narrate it. Name the time, name the place, they'll show up with the equipment. It would make their year. Please say yes.
Without hestitation, Jeremy is talking to his wife about what their schedule is, where they're staying, how long they're in town- the following morning, SUPER EARLY, we'll come to his hotel, find a quiet enough spot, and get it done.

I have achieved my primary objective.
My call back to the team was almost more confused than triumphant. "He said... Yes? Tomorrow? I'm not sure what just happened?" Everyone is incredibly happy and starts getting packed.
Next morning, bright and early, I trudge over to the hotel. I don't even need to be there, but I was terrified he would no-show and I'd look like a liar. But no, he turned up on time, and spent multiple hours(!) delivering narration like a pro.
I got a very long series of attaboys from the crew for making it happen, and even a thank you from Jeremy for the opportunity.
After that whole episode, I worked on the series a bit more before drifting off to other projects. I don't think they ever came close to getting into production on that film, but I pray that someone still has the recordings.
The first movie ended up getting branded as IMPS: THE RELENTLESS, and took ages to come out. You can hear me as a voice actor for one minor character (13:25 or so): 
That was the last time I had a chance to cross paths with Jeremy, as my time working con booths had come to an end. I hope others can share stories like this about him today. My guess is, there will be a lot of them.
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