@realDonaldTrump you know how you helped Russia interfere and get into our government agencies and Regulatory Agencies and National Security Agency cyber attacks infrastructure you know how you helped him you think America is stupid really
You and Putin playing this together and all of your goons mob guns thugs in the suit what Johnson Mitch McConnell and the rest of them that went over to Russia you all try to pull a coup you know what they do to treasonous right you said it yourself think about it b****
Your day is coming with the rest of your goons yeah really think you're going to get away with this honestly you really think you could get away with this this is how all criminals think I can't get caught. I won't get caught I sold out to the Russians I won't get got will take
We will take over America we won't lie about the election we will say it's fraud so you can stop black and brown people from voting everybody sees through your f****** plan and what you don't understand it and no criminal or anybody who commits crimes always think they can't get
Caught they are going to just probably cuz I just got to pull a coup on America and think that they can just move on it is insanity to me that shoots people really think he's going to get away with the biggest greatest treasonous act towards America your country our country
You pathetic Republicans you pathetic orange loser loser loser loser Biggest Loser of them all you going to get away with turning our country over to Russia really motherfuker where's your outrage about Russia interfere with our elections and interfering and starting Cyber Wars
You really think you going to turn your back on America and let the war score of the world just take us over really you piece of s*** I January 20th you will be thrown out Twitter you will be thrown off Facebook you will be thrown off every decent media and we won't give a f***
And get ready your face will match your suit orange b**** orange orange you loser big fat ugly loser murderer rapist criminal give a mob you f****** Republicans are more criminal than anybody anybody kill steal and destroy yet you want to kill black and brown people
You have your reward I know you don't believe in the Bible not to do the Republican Party they believe in nothing they have no Foundation and it's starting to flood and it will be wiped away just like you you pathetic piece of s*** you make me regurgitate
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