Will the NSW Government announce how ‘angry’ they are at this couple? Will they launch a 20 person taskforce to investigate how they got away with disobeying the law? Will there be a state wide witch hunt for these white people who have put lives and jobs at risk?
Because that’s what happened to an International Student in SA forced to work two jobs because of lack of access to JobKeeper. That’s what happened to two black teenage girls in Queensland.
Will the NSW Government send in the AFP to lock down the Spit Bridge? Will the residents of North Sydney be locked inside their homes with a sudden police presence outside their doors? Because that’s what happened to First Nations and PoC public housing residents in Melbourne
To be clear, this kind of punitive actions should not be taken against ANYONE but the blatant double standard is infuriating. One law for the white and wealthy and all hell and fury on non-whites
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