1/ Let’s talk about relationships for just a moment 👇

More specifically, let's talk about the benefit of the doubt.

Marriage research has shown that for happy couples, the benefit of the doubt flows abundantly in both directions.
2/ In a happy marriage, if your spouse loads up the dishwasher but fails to press “start,” you’ll assume they absent-mindedly forgot.

This assumption of positive intent promotes an atmosphere of kindness.
3/ In a disastrous marriage, however, you’d ascribe the worst intentions to your spouse: they did it on purpose, just to irritate you because they’re a jerk.

This assumption of negative intent promotes an atmosphere of aggression.
5/ Defaulting to the benefit of the doubt by assuming positive intent, especially with the people who are close to you, can help you live more peacefully and joyfully.
6/ It’s not always the easiest thing to do.

But this upcoming year, I’m aiming to extend the benefit of the doubt to my loved ones and assume they’re working with the best intentions in mind.
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