I am a product of a Bureau of Indian Affairs education, (now called Bureau of Indian Education). A lot has changed since I attended the K-8 Elementary School on my Rez. But their goal and the High School's goal was for us just to graduate High School.
There was nothing after high school. There was no, "We want you to get a job." "We want you to go to college." There was just, "You can graduate from high school one day, if you work hard." And nothing after that.
When you stop to realize that this division was originally created to address "The Indian Problem" and was rooted in our oppression, extermination, assimilation and colonization, rather than our protection and OUR pursuit of happiness it's astounding.
For Indigenous People to rise up & take control of decision making spaces that have the power to transform our communities, honor our culture and communities the way they SHOULD be, to protect our land and our people is HUGE. @Deb4CongressNM @RepDebHaaland So proud. So Hopeful.
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