🎧New podcast alert! Could curbing international travel prevent future pandemics? Nope, only delay a little and at staggering cost, say @m_clem and @ThomasGinnDC in the latest episode of Moving Beyond Pandemic …https://migrationpolicymovingbeyondpandemic.podbean.com/e/could-curbing-globalization-prevent-future-pandemics/ 1/
So should we think twice about returning to a world of cheap flights, 2-day transatlantic trips, mass global tourism? Michael &Thomas argue COVID spread slower (controlling for other factors) than previous pandemics. If restrictions bought some delay, this was not used wisely 4/
But Michael and Thomas do allow that emergency measures could be useful, either for countries that have got on top of the virus Ă  la New Zealand, or as part of a raft of lockdown measures. The evidence on travel restrictions in different phases of pandemic is still limited.. 6/
We at @MigrationPolicy are trying to work out the roadmap for 2021. Countries will be at wildly different points in their COVID caseload & vaccine rollout. What role for vaccination, testing, digital health records, sniffer dogs? Get in touch if you're working on this! FIN
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