The Colorado, et al. Google antitrust suit touches on so many things @laweconcenter has been working on over the past decade-ish, it’s hard to know where to start. Fortunately, that means we’ve already got a lot of work addressing its claims. A few suggestions: 1/11
The three underlying tenets of Colorado’s and Texas’s and the DOJ’s cases against Google — not to mention the HJC Report — are essentially the following... 2/11
1. Platforms shld be treated as essential facilities w/ a legal duty to deal w/ competitors;
2. Platforms don't innovate, only small new entrants do;
3. Courts/regulators can impose remedies that solve these problems w/o creating greater harms.

All of these ideas are wrong. 3/11
4th, Yelp is another frequent Google critic. It probably *is* bad for Yelp that Google local results are embedded in Search results. But we shouldn’t care about competitors, we should care about users.... 7/11
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