All jokes aside, I don't believe in karma
Karma is out here teaching oppressed people that cosmic fairness will avenge their trespasses. However, I notice karma is conditioning the innocent and not the guilty. Karma is the war God y'all think Sky Daddy is.
My ancestors had to revitalize their faith because karma never showed up. Y'all talk about karma and it reminds me of church rhetoric about suffering now to enjoy Heaven later. Sounds very cheap and tawdry. Boo
I believe in penance. I believe in consequence. I believe all of it is situational. You mean to tell me I been black all my lives and I live in suffering? So does Karma hate Coloreds? Break it down for me
Y'all believe in Karma so how come yall behavior ain't change? Why the folks who believe still in their ways? Y'all out here judging everyone and believing in Karma? The condition of your mind and spirit is in its condition and you believe?! Tuh. See already red flag
People warning me about karma. So you telling me karma gonna ignore all my good deeds because I held karma accountable? So if that's how karma works karma is abusive.
I do believe shit catches up to you. If you wrong enough people there will be an active force moving towards your undoing powered by the intent of the people you trespassed against. I don't believe in a cosmic neutral force that balances morality based off reward vs consequence
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