Can I be super honest with you all? One of my friends was offered a job after a year of unemployment and borderline homelessness. The problem is that it’s with a health insurance company. She was worried about what everyone would think, especially if she runs for office someday.
I worked as a project manager at a bank for a year and my trolls *still* hate me for it. I get it and I don’t blame them. But when someone is literally choosing between homelessness and having a job for fear of being judged, maybe we can be more compassionate on this side.
The enemy isn’t the people and the workers. It’s the system we have to navigate. Let’s break that system and rebuild it for all of us, but please don’t shame someone for taking the only job they’re being offered unless you offer them a living wage elsewhere.
Just for clarification I told her to take the job and fight for #MedicareForAll đź’ś
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