Oh, the irony of becoming a Freemason only to realize that my parents were far better mason material than I was, yet they are opposed to the masons and believe them to be a satanic group. I think, at least to some degree, they even acknowledge that the masons are heavily involved
in the behind-the-scenes running of the global stage. So, if you believe the masons are satanic, and that they rule the world, how can you also cling to the belief that the Church was somehow the only piece of society that remained unaffected by such prolific influence. Do you
really believe the religious leaders at the time of the crucifixion had a miraculous change of heart after they finally successfully assassinated their own prophecied messiah? I doubt it. And I think the evidence is in the fact that the world is now fully comprised of a
traumatized and brainwashed society. If the religious leaders in biblical times had truly had a change of heart, I believe the world would be a vastly different place. Instead, they only grew wealthier as society became more "civilized" (globally uniform), and the people became
increasingly oppressed, while being made to believe they were becoming more free; an illusion that was perpetuated by the constant release of new entertainment, toys and gadgets, as well as a plentiful supply of things and people to fear/hate. With mounting fears of more and more
aspects of the world around them, the question of freedom became irrelevant, giving way instead to the increasing value placed on "security" and comfort/luxury. "Those who have nothing to hide have nothing to fear" seems a reasonable enough adage, until you start to really think
about it. Why should we have to hide anything? Certainly, in the context of murderers and rapists, their hidden deeds should be exposed and addressed, but what happens when the laws slowly start to turn on the general public, most of whom are innocent of any serious wrongdoing?
What do you say, when the laws were not made draconian overnight, but by the gradual willing consent of the masses to be subjected to such restrictive measures? Satanists run the world, but you think they don't make the laws and they somehow respect religious institutions enough
to voluntarily choose to leave them untouched? Or that the Church has some unknown method for ensuring that no one can possibly infiltrate and undermine the institution? Where did this institution come from in the first place? If you can acknowledge the incontrovertible fact that
the bible has been edited and modified repeatedly over at least the last thousand years, how can you be so sure of the integrity and continuity of the message? Why would the secretly ruling elite also provide you with the keys to your freedom, unless they were so heavily obscured
by deception that recognizing and understanding them would take a nearly impossible amount of discernment and determination? Is it the key to your freedom, or the device by which you are controlled and kept submissive? What if the answer depends entirely on YOU? What if the
doctrines are so carefully and precisely crafted that they would allow for a maximum number of interpretations? If it was about enlightening people with truth, would it not be in such a definitive way that no one could argue different meanings to the same scripture? It seems to
me that it serves to subjugate those who would submit, and enlighten those who seek enlightenment, and to provide fuel for arguments and dissent among the rest of the non-thinking populace. How could such a devious plan possibly be executed? Probably with relative ease, by those
who possess sufficient discipline, patience, and foresight, and a couple of millennia to modify and adjust the doctrine while simultaneously steering humanity from behind the scenes. Don't forget, the "religious leaders" in biblical times were ALREADY the religious leaders. How
long had this lineage been preserved and in power? Purely because of all the tangential evidence, I don't necessarily believe the bible to be historically accurate. In addition, I got the distinct sense that there are 2 different versions of "God" described. So, either they are 2
completely different beings, or God is extremely bipolar, preaching love and mercy and forgiveness one day, and demanding blood sacrifices for atonement and sending his armies to slaughter entire societies in his Holy name the next. Are we not supposed to kill, or does it just
depend on the mood of the Almighty on each given day? Anyway, I'm just saying that if you think you're "aware" and yet you are still clinging to the "Revelations" narrative to interpret your current events, you still have some thinking to do. It's about as effective as a tarot
reading, and roughly the same concept. However, Revelations isn't the only book you can use to do this; in fact, you don't even need to choose "prophecy-centric" scripture. All it takes is intuition and connection to Source, and a medium through which you agree to receive
messages. Make no mistake, I don't feel that the religious doctrines are without value, by any means. Quite the opposite, they are extremely invaluable tools. However, as with all tools, when used incorrectly, you will not have the results you hope for, and the work you do with
them will be much more challenging and seemingly unnatural. If you read the Bible, for example, and your intention is to learn to become righteous, or pious, or "holy", you will have much difficulty. If you take a simpler approach, though, and use a thoughtful method combined
with your thoughtful intentions, you can find secrets you would've never imagined before. For example, I endeavored to read it in order, beginning to end, and each "session" I would simply begin reading, with the intent to stumble across a "key nugget" that was meant to help me
grow in that moment, given the circumstances of my day. Sometimes, I found something quickly. Sometimes, I would read for an hour and a half before I found something. Eventually, though, the cumulative (and quite unexpected, frankly) effect was that I developed "eyes to see", and
I began to experienced heightened intuitive senses and epiphanies about my self and the world around me. It also led to my learning how to meditate on a continuous basis, and not just when I'm sitting in silence and focusing on it. It became my default state, and I found myself
only coming out of it as necessary to interact with those around me. I finally got to see actual evidence of the fruits of my labors when a psychologist friend of mine asked to hook me up to a bio-feedback machine and watch my brain activity in real-time, and she told me that she
had only seen similar results in young children and advanced meditators. Funny correlation (young children & advanced meditators). "You must become as a little child to enter the kingdom of heaven..." There's still truth in it...it's just been disguised and hidden.
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