Using @LaurelMillerICG quote that “for two years Taliban leader was dead and no analyst including d entire US government didn’t know about it,” I agree with you about Taliban leadership secrecy and strategy. I also know from @Shoaibr3k that if few analysts on d entire planet 1/n
know something about the Taliban’s approach, one of them @VFelbabBrown for what I admire you. However, from the beginning on, it was clear that the Taliban have unity only at one point, and that was/is to get Americans out of Afghanistan, which they succeeded through the Doha 2/n
US-Taliban agreement. Now imagine being a Taliban local commander who lives an “enjoyable life” with income from drugs, human trafficking, minerals, and Jihadi Sheikhs who now have to leave everything, leave his weapons, to some extent local “respect,” and surrender to AfgGov 3/n
just because of two idiots in Doha 🤝 in February.

The Taliban are also Afghans who usually first fighting united against foreign invaders (British/Russian/Americans), and once they get them out, then they start with the real battle, the internal struggle for power. End
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