1/7 EO#13848 The Executive order on Election Interference by President Trump he signed in 2018 is now in effect to the fullest extent I Believe, They just have not told us. DNI Ratcliffe Delivered his report on Dec 13th I'm convinced. https://home.treasury.gov/system/files/126/election_eo_13848.pdf
2/10 On Dec 14th AG Barr updated the president as per the EO order and notified him he was going to be away for the holidays.

Read the EO. Within 45 Days Ratcliffe had to deliver the report to The President, Attorney General (Barr) Secty of Defense (Chris Miller - NEW),
3/10 Secretary of Treasury (Mnuchin), SOS (Pompeo) Secretary of Homeland Security (Chad Wolf) These are all Trump people, no ? on their loyalty, except Barr.
4/10 During the next 45 Days the AG (now Rosen -Temp AG) and Secretary of Homeland security (Wolfe) are to deliver another evaluation with recommendations. Barr did his, & possibly Wolfe has also, although I think in addition to their recs they have another 45 days to update them
5/10 They are then to deliver them to Secretary's of Defense, Treasury and State as well as the President.

The FakeNews is Jubilant because its being reported there is a delay on the election update on Interference because there is "none".
6/10 The Rest of the world including Rhinos, Trump supporters are all lost on what is going on with this EO.

Tomorrow, Dec 18th. is Day 45 and Trump got DNI Raticliffe's report, I am sure...
7/10 Ratcliffe has said publicly this week there was foreign interference from China, Iran, Russia, & Pakistan plus other Actors. Its being reported everywhere from last night & now all day today, that the deadline is being missed b/c all Intel agency's are late w/their reports..
8/10 This is all misdirection I think and on purpose, b/c no one on Team Trump is saying anything one way or another. This one picture I attached, I caught the other day... look at the Time Stamp Dec 13 at 848pm... That is the EO number...
9/10 And this other picture he posted the other day about History... I believe it was the Day the President Signed the EO. The Internet is going crazy trying to figure it out
10/10 The way I Read the EO is that there is now another 45 Day window for the President to act and for all the players to act. Problem is 45 days from now puts us into February... so does that mean the president can suspend the inauguration legally now???
more 11/11 Does it mean he will invoke the Insurrection Act at anytime from this point on now and/or as needed and if needed.

This can go multiple paths now... If you believe there was fraud and the election was stolen from Trump and he did indeed win it legally...
more 12/12 I believe he will prove it all too legally, but will need martial law to finish gathering all the Evidence from the states involved... I think he prefers it to go the legal way first, without use of the military or martial law, but not sure that will be ....
more 13/13 the calculation he will ultimately make and he may already know what has to be done... Too much Chatter about insurrection, martial law and Military movements...
more 14/14 Somewhere between now and Jan 20th he will Tell all of America how, why, who and when and then what will be happening and I do think Martial law and Arrests all over are still a high probability because the left and the FakeNews will not accept anything.
more 15/15 I'm tired of guessing the timing, it is much to complex for anyone to figure out, but what I know or think says he will remain president.
more 16/16 The end

I do see some sort of Major announcement/ press conference covering the Stimulus, Election. Security, Foreign Interference, and Vaccines maybe in the next week or so... sort of the Good with the bad... Merry Christmas @realDonaldTrump
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