Creating a new political party without a plan to correct the problems that the old one had will only form a new group of the same old issues. It would be better to bunker down and get rid of the infection inside the old party. That will show the country we actually care.
I am tired of running. I am tired of the bad and the terrible making the people that want to do right have to reregister and leave. No more. This is our party. Republicanism is our brand and the GOP leadership work for us. It's time they be told that.
The swamp is vast and it is deep. IT was crazy to think that we could just barge in and cut off its head without more roots being in the ground. The issue with the @GOP is that the party leaders forgot who put them in charge and how they came to be. It is now we show them.
It is not just about making them look good or owning democrats. My tweets go much deeper than that. It is about conserving. It is about going back to being principled and valued people. It is about order and laws equally applied. It is about defined strong opposition to Socialism
The @GOP were founded by brave people who went against what was popular at the time. People today forget that anti-slavery rhetoric and action was not what was popular. It took people of courage willing to stay strong and fight to form a party opposite of the status quo.
No, I am not leaving. I am not being run off from my ancestors who wanted to be free and stay free. I am not letting people who are racist, or money hungry or clout chasers run me up in my house and from my history. Not anymore! These elitist didn't build this, we did.
It is Republi CAN not Republican't. All we need to do is go back to the basics, define what we as a people want in a party and everyone else has to go. IF that means incumbents got to go:
This is what I feel my purpose is today. It isn't to be a politician out in the front filling a seat. It is fixing the issues that the right seem to think will just go away if we go off and do something else somewhere else.
You can do you though. /Endrant
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