I found the most interesting project of the last months. Its concept is very complex, so I will try to break it down for you, like always. I am very, very bullish on this token. $GRPL is a new rebase token with an unique concept, in my opinion, better than $AMPL, $BASE / $RBASE.
$GRPL is an elastic supply token which uses Fibonacci correction levels as a formula in the Rebase system. It pushes the natural mathematical will of the people to do the most beneficial thing for the group, not for the individuals per se.
It provides Nash Equilibrium, or fair distribution of income, in this way. The final target price is the price of 1 gram of gold (approx. 62$). All the adjustments in the rebase formula are made to achieve this final goal. The oracle price is daily moving averages of exchanges.
What you have to understand from all of this, shortly:

1. $GRPL won't have a rebase for the first two days.
2. There are two rebase systems in place.
3. There are positive and negative rebases.
4. In case of a positive rebase, supply gets bigger, you win.
5. In case of negative rebase, supply is getting slightly smaler, but price is updated automatically for the target price which wasn't achieved, so price will get bigger for the next day, you will also win. You will win less, but you will still win.
6. The price is pushed forward until it eventually reaches 62$.

7. You win big, but gradually, so people are incentivised to hold their tokens instead of dumping them. It will work in everybody's interest (remember the movie A Beautiful Mind, and the "blonde scene"?).
$GRPL team is public. They have LinkedIn pages. Also, both CTO and dev have verified Upwork and Fiverr accounts with good reviews and reputation on blockchain and they also have verified identities on these platforms. They have a clear roadmap.
They were backed by 5 big VCs. Around $500k locked liquidity. Team tokens locked. They also have a partnership with Ferrum Network ( $FRM ), which allows you to stake your $GRPL. Zokyo audit is coming very soon. Zokyo recently audited $BONDLY. Also NFTs are coming next year.
Also around 700k tokens were burned, so the total supply is now 9.3 mil. tokens, with only 1.55 mil. circulating, and ~3 mil. market cap. A huge amount of ETH was raised in the presales, so with the remaining money, a Binance listing is not out of the cards.
You can follow @gemhunter888.
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