. @marcorubio I will answer this directly. Biden does talk abt unity and healing. He means it. The overarching Dem message in 2020 was that Donald Trump was a dangerous, unfit and predatory President who needed to be removed from office along ... https://talkingpointsmemo.com/news/rubio-tweet-reactions-biden-unity-healing via @TPM
2/ with the cowardly, authoritarian-curious enablers who sustained his corrupt rule. Many other critical priorities. None at all possible without first ending Donald Trump's predatory, lawless rule. You were and are an archetypical cowardly and corrupt enabler.
3/ You know who Trump is but your weak character and bad political values allowed you to line up behind him and make possible his assaults on the constitution, the rule of law and countless fellow Americans. You're not alone. Virtually every Republican in Congress made ...
4/ the same decisions, albeit few with more obsequiousness and lack of dignity. So yes, we need to protect the country from lawless authoritarians like Donald Trump. And we need to protect the country from people like you who look away while a Donald Trump assaults ...
5/ the constitution and the country itself. You know what you did and you know who Donald Trump is. Admit it and maybe you can move forward or start acting like someone who cares his country. So yes, national unity is essential. America can't be governed by a corrupt warlord ...
6/ who thinks he's only the President of his own voters and preys on everyone else. There's no doubt that Biden will try to be a President for all Americans, seeking the best for supporters and opponents. But yes, you acted like a fucker and are a fucker. There's no ...
7/ contradiction here. Grow the fuck up.
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