However, they were going over on Brad. I'm guessing the tendencies show Trice is a little less likely to shoot early in the shot clock, especially when the defense goes under, whereas Brad is more likely to pull in this situation.
D'Mitrik eventually punished them for going under.
In the second half, Loyola changed their coverage on Trice and started going over. Nate set a nice screen here and made good contact (with a little hip slide) which cleared the way for Meech to knock this down.
One very subtle adjustment I noticed. Watch the angle of Potter's screens here. He sets more of an "angled" ball screen which is a subtle counter when the defense is choosing to go under.
Doing so forced TA's man (who was going under) to have to get deep into the paint to clear Potter, which cleared an angle for Trevor to get into the lane. Potter does the same thing for Brad, and even though Brad's man is going over, it sets Brad up for a downhill attack.
Basically, the angled screen is a good way to get your guards downhill. The drawback is that it makes it a little easier to go over the screen. But given Loyola's coverage, it was a good adjustment by Gard.
Guessing Loyola's thought process was:

Keep Trice and Anderson out of the lane = Less drive and kick = Forcing UW to play through our bigs who have been struggling on the block this season
However, Wisconsin has generally done a great job about of efficient when the ball touches the post, even if the resulting shot isn't from the post up itself.
This year, however, Wisconsin has been way more efficient in PnR than Post Ups. Would expect this to normalize eventually once Nate busts out of his slump.
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