Thread :
We decided to form Red Fort Films in order to present the vision of India with alternative politics in action .
Red Fort Films tries to develop content which truly reflects the philosophy of welfare state and honest governance for an Indian. This thread have all .1/13
This video shows Vision of India from an educated & honest man's perspective ,away from cacophony and noise of today's corrupt and divisive politics
Link . 2/13
Devbhoomi-Election or Revolution
This video about how political revolution of Aam Aadmi of Uttarakhand is waiting . Link 3/13
ज़रूरत। Road to Revival
This short video shows the key missing element in Indian polity right now ,getting which Indian will rise to glory again . Link here 4/13
Opportunist Kejriwal - This is a hit film showing the angles how opportunism of Kejriwal benefitted masses .
For Full film link 5/13
बागी किसान। The Farmer Uprising
Shows beautifully the real reasons and reason for struggle of Farmer of Punjab going on. Full video link
जय किसान -This short one , explains what's wrong with our farming laws and scenario and how it can be corrected . Link 7/13
Goa for Goans - This is AAP's call for Goans to stand up and save Goa
Link : 8/13
The Delhi Model of governance
Link :
The real Azaadi of India - a dream of free prosperous , developed India 10/13
We are Redfort Films hope that these videos are spread to 135 Crores Indian on their social media accounts , whatsapp and even on TV if possible . Time is less ,huge number of Indians need to be woken up , or else nation is in danger .11/13
A slight disappointment to us so far that AAP well known faces and leaders have not yet have seen our videos , given any feedback , used their handles to spread the message .Pls let maximum AAP leaders and people you know around to spread it , local leaders very important .12/13
We shall be glad if AAP SM teams from various states get in touch with us to work along and spread the message and philosophy .Good can always win over evil but we will need aggression .
Pls tag maximum folks,spread max on Whatsapp .We hope a mega response to this thread .13/13
You can follow @Kishlaysharma.
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